
Showing posts from August, 2017

Tick Control in 2017 - You have less toxic options!

by Joe Magazzi      Did you know that the CDC is reporting that 2017 will be one of the worst seasons on record for tick populations and subsequent diseases? In fact, a university study in Connecticut recorded the highest population of deer ticks ever recorded since monitoring began.  Although it is common to think that ticks go dormant once the weather cools down, the opposite can in fact be true.  Ticks are very prone to desiccation (drying out) and thus prefer cooler, moist weather such as what we will experience in the fall.  Ticks will remain active and looking for a host for as long as there is not snow on the ground and temperatures remain consistently above freezing.      Green Earth Ag & Turf has your non-toxic tick and mosquito solutions to provide you, your family and your pets with comfort and peace of mind to enjoy outdoor fall activities in your yard.       Tick Killz is a wonderful product that our p...

Fall is the time for Turf!

by Joe Magazzi Have you thought about your fall turf applications yet?  A great time to treat your turf is in early September (just a couple of weeks away) when the nights start to get cooler and the dew helps keep the soil moist. The fall application is critical for turf care; it is during this period that established grass will really grow roots with a burst of under-the-soil growth. The fall is also the best time of the year for putting in new turf with seeding and/or over-seeding. In either case, a treatment with a combination of Quantum Growth and Neptune's Harvest 2-0-2 Turf Formula (no phosphorous) formulation will pay huge dividends - not only for greener lawns deeper into the fall and winter, but also for a quicker greening in the spring and healthier, thicker turf for the entire year.       Quantum Growth  is simply probiotics for plants, trees and turf. Soil biology supplementation is quickly becoming a norm in the green industries with new exc...