
What is Vitazyme?

Green Earth Ag & Turf recently interviewed Tristan Hudak, Vice President of Ag Biotech, Inc. located in Livonia, NY. Ag Biotech supplies one of our key growth enhancer products, Vitazyme.   Q: Tell me about yourself, Tristan, how did you get involved in Ag Biotech, Inc.? Tristan Hudak, VP Ag Biotech, Inc. T. Hudak: I started with Ag Biotech, Inc. in 2014 after graduating from St. John Fisher College with my B.S in Physics. Initially, I was focused on both sales and company re-branding, and have now been focused on product development and expanding our reach both domestically and internationally. Q: Tell me more about the company? T. Hudak: Ag Biotech, Inc. has been in the agriculture business since 1991. We combine the best of both conventional and organic methods to provide sustainable solutions to farmers worldwide. Q: What products does Ag Biotech distribute? Ag Biotech has carried Vitazyme for around 25 years in the Northeast market, and we are excite...

Mole and Vole Control

by Joe Magazzi We have received a lot of calls regarding mole and vole damage this year, as the moles have become particularly active this Fall. Mole activity is more prevalent at this time of the year due, in part, to grub activity. Those pesky beetles that were active in the late spring and summer have laid their eggs, which have now hatched and are advancing through the 3rd instar stage as white grubs. Moles are insectivores and love those big delicious, nutritious and protein-rich grubs that are eating their way through the turf roots. As the moles travel your yard eating the grubs, the tunnels that you see pop up and multiply. They are great diggers, so pressing down on a tunnel or setting a mechanical trap can often be futile as new tunnels simply pop-up in other areas; it can feel like the more you fight them the more damage they do.  Meadow Voles (the most widely distributed species in the US), on the other hand, are herbivores and love plan...

New Products Enable Pre-emergent Weed Control AND Over-seeding

By Eric Maurer,  National Sales Manager of ICT Organics It is likely your standard yearly program calls for pre-emergent herbicides in the spring, fertility throughout the year, and over-seeding along with core aeration in the fall, or something similar.  New products, Pre-Emerg liquid and Pro Turf with Weed Control (granular) from ICT Organics, now enable you to apply a pre-emergent product in the fall.  This fall application will reduce overwintering weeds (e.g., Common Chickweed, Corn Speedwell, and Henbit etc...). Both Pre-Emerg and Pro Turf with Weed Control affect the seed hairs on crabgrass and broadleaf weeds, thus reducing their viability.  Turfgrass seeds do not have hairs so they are not affected.  This is a complete shift from traditional barrier type products that restrict anything from germinating. Untreated area on left, Pro-Turf with Weed Control applied on right Pro Turf with Weed Control (granular) – Why not add a proven p...

Boost your Lawn in the Fall, Organically!

By Joe Magazzi Have you thought about your fall turf applications yet?  A great time to treat your turf is in early September (just a couple of weeks away) when the nights start to get cooler and the dew helps keep the soil moist. The fall application is critical for turf care; it is during this period that established grass will really grow roots with a burst of under-the-soil growth. The fall is also the best time of the year for putting in new turf with seeding and/or over-seeding. In either case, a treatment with our Complete Lawn Starter Pack gives you the same combination of organic products that all of our top professional clients use!  Based on almost a decade of successful applications, the Neptune’s Harvest Organic Fertilizer and MicrobeLife Probiotics act synergistically to pay huge dividends for your turf and landscape - not only for greener lawns deeper into the fall and winter, but also for a quicker greening in the spring and healthier, thicker turf...

Tick Control in 2017 - You have less toxic options!

by Joe Magazzi      Did you know that the CDC is reporting that 2017 will be one of the worst seasons on record for tick populations and subsequent diseases? In fact, a university study in Connecticut recorded the highest population of deer ticks ever recorded since monitoring began.  Although it is common to think that ticks go dormant once the weather cools down, the opposite can in fact be true.  Ticks are very prone to desiccation (drying out) and thus prefer cooler, moist weather such as what we will experience in the fall.  Ticks will remain active and looking for a host for as long as there is not snow on the ground and temperatures remain consistently above freezing.      Green Earth Ag & Turf has your non-toxic tick and mosquito solutions to provide you, your family and your pets with comfort and peace of mind to enjoy outdoor fall activities in your yard.       Tick Killz is a wonderful product that our p...

Fall is the time for Turf!

by Joe Magazzi Have you thought about your fall turf applications yet?  A great time to treat your turf is in early September (just a couple of weeks away) when the nights start to get cooler and the dew helps keep the soil moist. The fall application is critical for turf care; it is during this period that established grass will really grow roots with a burst of under-the-soil growth. The fall is also the best time of the year for putting in new turf with seeding and/or over-seeding. In either case, a treatment with a combination of Quantum Growth and Neptune's Harvest 2-0-2 Turf Formula (no phosphorous) formulation will pay huge dividends - not only for greener lawns deeper into the fall and winter, but also for a quicker greening in the spring and healthier, thicker turf for the entire year.       Quantum Growth  is simply probiotics for plants, trees and turf. Soil biology supplementation is quickly becoming a norm in the green industries with new exc...

Beetles, Beetles and more Beetles! by Joe Magazzi

Japanese beetle from Joe's house It is that time of the year again - July 4th barbecues, extensive heat and yes - the first sightings of beetles!  The beetles you see now that are busy decimating your plants are in their last adult life cycle stage. These beetles are the adult form of white grubs (the larvae).  Once these adults decimate your landscape and crops, the beetles will lay their eggs in the later summer/early fall to start the next life cycle.  The eggs will develop into young grubs as the summer winds down, and those larval beetles will then turn their attention to the next headache for you…eating your turf grass and plant roots. With multiple ways of causing problems, beetles and their grubs will provide you with an entire season of angst!  Have no fear, however, Green Earth Ag & Turf has many organic methods to control these pests and help you spend more time enjoying the summer instead of fighting insects. Like clockwork, the Ja...